
Getting Back on the Horse

This weekend my two high school-aged neices came to stay with me while their parents were out of town. It gave me a little extra time away from the kids, and I was able to sit down and actually scrapbook. My 2012 book was uploaded to Cherishbound before I lost my pages, so I have them uploaded but if I want to make any changes, I have to redo the page entirely. Luckily I did NOT lose my 2012 pictures, so I CAN do that, but I have to decide if it's worth an hour of my time to fix one typo! I counted 8 11x17 pages that have errors.

But I knew if I started on those pages first, I'd never feel like I'm getting anywhere. So I started instead on the month of May from this year. This weekend I completed 4 new layouts, and recreated one layout that I had finished but didn't upload to Cherishbound and had to do again. That's five 11x17 pages done! It felt good to get May completed and to be working on June. Doesn't feel like I'm quite so far behind. And I remembered, again, that I actually really LIKE doing this, and there's something theraputic about it that gives me release. Still, I'm such a practical scrapper. I know a lot of scrapper's don't care about deadlines and order and all that--they just scrap what they feel and go where the artform takes them. That's not me. I like art, but I need direction and purpose. I need and Excel spreadsheet to tell me what I'm doing next. I need to know how many pages I have left to do. It's just the way I roll.

I also had another huge milestone, and submitted both my twins' books at last. I should be receiving them in the mail in about two weeks, maybe less. When I do, I'll put some pictures on this blog! Oh, and I did manage to solve why Photoshop kept closing on me. After multiple Google searches I ran across the solution on some random blog where the author mentioned it in passing. Apparently when you have a 64-bit computer and install Photoshop, it actually installs two versions--the 64-bit and the 32-bit. When I pull up the 64-bit version, the whole program crashes. But when I pulled up the other version, it ran just fine. So yay. That made my day, let me tell you.

Anyway, just to prove that I actually HAVE been working this weekend, here is the page I just finished, using Connie Prince's kit Do it Yourself:

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