
I'm Crashing

I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a long time. I guess I've been really, really struggling directly with digital scrapbooking this summer.

1) First, my hard drive crashed, as I mentioned in a previous post. I lost all my family pictures. I had my digi supplies backed up at work, and luckily had uploaded most of my digital scrapbook pages to Cherishbound, so although I can't edit them, at least they are there. This is especially good in the case of my twins books, because I lost every picture from 2011 back. So I can't re-create anything pre-January because those pictures are gone. My heart aches to think about it. We took the hard drive in to get the data retreived, but they quoted us a price of $1900 to fix it. Might as well be a million. They are as good as gone--I'll never get the money for that. At least, not for a few more years at least.

2) My COMPUTER crashed. Yup. About three weeks later. Motherboard and power supply just up and died. Didn't lose anything, but I got a new computer I could NOT afford but had to have. I'm still struggling to get it working right.

3) After about a month and a half of avoiding it, I finally tried to finish off my twins books. I only had to do their last month. It was heartbreaking, as I realized anew just how much I've lost. I didn't even have a baby picture of them to put on the cover. Thank goodness my sister had one.

4) And now, PS4 is NOT working on my new computer. It crashes anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes after I load it. I don't know why, though I think it's a problem with my new computer, not the program itself, which worked fine on my old machine. I don't know how to fix it. I had the twins' books done, but then realized I had a GLARING error on one page that I have to redo. But I can't because Photoshop keeps crashing. Anyway, I'm very frustrated.

So I'm sorry if I haven't posted. I'm so lost and sick at heart and keeping up with this blog is becoming impossible. I am not closing it--not yet--but I am so discouraged from this craft right now that I can barely even try anymore. Thank you for listening.


  1. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I know what it is like to lose all your pictures. Luckily I had family and friends who had some they were able to give me so my boys will have glimpses of their childhoods. It is very disheartening to "redo" what I had done before, only with so much less. I just want you to know that I understand what you are feeling.

    I also want you to know how much I have enjoyed looking at the things you have posted. They have inspired me even though I am a paper and pen scrapbooker and not digital. Thanks for sharing your ideas and life with us.

  2. Please don't close your blog. I just found you last night when I Googled "11 x 17 PSD template". What I have read on your blog so far, we are scrapbooking twins. I absolutely agree with your philosophy of lots of pictures on a page, and using 8.5 x 11 size. I am looking forward to reading through your entire blog starting tonight. I'm so sorry you lost all your pictures and I can understand your heartache over it. But you have your scrapbooks that you already made. You are not without any pictures at all. I know that doesn't take away the sick feeling you must be having right now, but please don't lose heart. Sometimes we just have start from where we are and move forward from the new place.

    Heidi Koger
    Blog: iwillscrapbookforyou (dot) com

  3. Oh wow. Thank you so much for your responses. It makes me feel so much better to know that SOMEONE is reading this blog and taking something from it. That alone gives me strength to keep going. Ann--I know my loss cannot possibly compare to your loss when your house burned down years ago. You have put it back into perspective for me. The ache is there, but your are both right--I still have my books. Thank goodness I have stayed up to date!
