
Feeling Like Crap! (But for a good cause!)

Hello everyone. I wanted to update this site and let you all know that I'm sorry my posts have dropped off so much lately. And I'm afraid it might not change. I'm still going to update, but not with the same detail I have in the past. The pregnancy is one thing, but now I know that I am having TWINS!!! I'm very excited about this, but it's a huge financial and physical strain on me! I hate to say it, but the pregnancy is already kicking my butt! My first pregnancy was a piece of cake--this one is already so much harder. Right now I'm taking a half-day off work and I'm in bed on my laptop. Grr! There's so much I want to do!

Anyway, I apologize that this blog might get a little neglected for the next few months. I am still trying to finish my 2010 yearbook, and as I complete pages I will load some of them here. But I don't think I'll be doing any new lessons for awhile. Still, the beauty of this site is that the information on it is still relevent and good, and hopefully it will continue to be a resource for you as you explore the exciting world of Digital Scrapbooking! Thank you all for your support!


P.S. Won't it be fun to scrapbook pages with TWINS?? I'm so excited!!!


  1. Figures. Just when I discovered your site. Anyway, just wanted to say congrats. Hope you have a smooth pregnancy. Thanks for the lessons. I'm making my way through them.

  2. Glad to hear it! And dont' worry--I'm not leaving entirely I promise!!
