
Announcing Pregnancy Book!

YES! I AM PREGNANT! This wasn't exactly my thought when I saw the word "pregnant" on my test, though. I was kind of stunned. Excited, but stunned. It wasn't exactly planned, you see.

Anyway, I debated for days how to tell my family my exciting news. I didn't want to do the old t-shirt thing, "I'm a big sister!" as my brother-in-law did that. And I didn't want to leave the test just lying around--I'm the only sister (out of five) who is remotely planning any more kids. Takes the fun out of it.

SO I MADE A BOOK! I wrote a little poem to announce it, and created a 20-page, 7x7 book on Cost me $12.95 plus shipping.  If you want to see the book, click here: I'm Grateful For...Pregnancy Announcement Book.

It was actually quite simple to make, once I wrote the poem. Did the whole thing in one afternoon. I used a kit called Family Moments from Lindsay Jane. I found pictures I already had the matched what I was saying. I kept it very simple. The idea was to tell both families at Thanksgiving dinner that I'd created this fun "thankful" book from my 20-month old daughter Afton--the poem is written from her point of view. And then have a surprise announcement at the end!

It was a very special "family moment" when I presented it. We went to Trevor's family first, and there were a lot of tears and excitement. This is grandchild #6, and none of his siblings are having another. Then at my family it was a total madhouse. This is grandchild #16, so I'm sure you can tell why! But what a fun way to do it! I printed one for each side of the family and they get to keep it. Now I'm wishing I had printed a third copy for me! But that's what I love about blurb--I can give out the URL and all my friends can see it too!

Anyway, if you want a copy of the poem I wrote, here it is:

I'm grateful for my family
And all those who love me so
I'm thankful for my parents
Who help me learn and grow

I'm grateful for the blue, blue skies
For parks and slides and swings
For flowers and fields and kitty-cats
For sweets and chocolate things

I'm thankful for the food I eat
The shelter over my head
For toys, binkis and storybooks
My shoes and clothes and bed

I'm grateful too, for Jesus
Who was the greatest of all
He lived and died for each of us
Even the very small

I'm grateful for my Grandma's
Who always show the way
And also for my Grandpa's
Who take the time to play

My cousins, uncles and my aunts
All around me, there to love
And another who is not yet here
But is waiting, up above

I don't quite understand, yet
What Mommy and Daddy mean
When they say July is special
There's someone new coming

"Big Sister" is a title
I've never had to hear
But I know I'll be most grateful
When our baby is finally here!


  1. That was so fun today! I can't wait to meet this new little one (and see if it's possible for you two to create another child as cute as Afton!)

    The book is darling too!

  2. Thanks! I just might use that poem someday. So July? Perfect! That couldn't have worked out better! And don't sweat the "your own copy"'ll probably get them back someday. We've already got things "back" from Matt's parents...when they downsized to their apt we got back a few things we'd given them over the years.

  3. how incredibly clever!! Congrats!!!!! :-)

  4. It's too bad I didn't wait two more weeks to announce the pregnancy! I could have announced i was having twins! I would have had to change the last line to "When our BABIES are finally here!"
