
Free Digital Scrapbooking Class!

Hey everyone. Just a quick note today. Sorry about the long wait for the next lesson--I promise, I am working on it! But school started this week and my focus has shifted a bit. Anyway, for those of you who live in the Salt Lake City area, I am doing a free digital scrapbooking class! It's really for my church group, but I'm sure there will be room for more. So, if you would like to attend this class, just email me at

Ok, I have to explain that email address. I originally set it up for my 9th graders. I teach them how to email, but I didn't want them emailing my real email address. So I made that one up. It made me laugh. I used it for this blog and--well, sorry. I'm kinda wishing I hadn't, now.'s still kinda funny...

Anyway, the scrapbooking class. I have room for only 36 total, so if you want to come, please let me know--don't just show up or I can't guartantee you a seat. The class is on September 7th, and is going to be held at Elk Ridge Middle School in South Jordan from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. In that class, we'll pretty much be covering as much as I can of the first six lessons from this site. It would be great opportunity for you to work on stuff with someone right there to help you if you have questions. My lab is Photoshop 7, so it's an older version. The address is 3659 W. 9800 S. Just come in the front door, and there will be signs to direct you to my classroom.

Here's the invitation that I sent out for it--I thought it turned out cute!

Thank you!

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