
March Layouts

So I'm feeling really guilty that I haven't updated in a while. The end of the school year is a CRAZY time for teachers. Right now I'm very overwhelmed with planning the teacher talent show, (where I will be ballroom dancing! Yay!) doing the end of year slideshow for the 9th graders, finishing up my Badge Builder Simulation with my 7th graders, getting my 9th graders ready for their state test--and that's just at work! I'm also teaching at a conference this summer for business teachers, and I've been asked to do a Digital Scrapbooking class! One problem--I have to teach it ON A MAC! Why don't they ask me to teach a SPANISH class while they are at it? I'm afraid my knowledge of Mac's is very limited, and while everyone says they are better for Photoshop, the one time I DID try it, I felt like my hands were tied behind my back!

Anyway, I digress. I wanted to just do a quick update and post some of the pages I've done recently. I am still working on March stuff, and haven't' hit April yet so I'm a bit behind. But then I figure most people are YEARS behind so I shouldn't feel bad.

Here's a page I did using a kit from Connie Prince called Bee Happy. I don't think you can get the kit anymore--I bought it a long time ago. But I LOVE Connie's stuff. You can find it at Gotta Pixel.

This next page uses Lindsay Jane's kit A Spring Day. I love how it turned out--which is saying something because I actually HATE scrapping Easter. I don't know why--I just hate it. Lindsay Jane and Connie Prince are my two absolute FAVORITE designers, and both their stuff can be found at Gotta Pixel.
This last one I wanted to share is awesome because it uses no kits at all! Well, I did use a few elements from various kits for the staple and the journaling. But I like how it turned out!
Ok, time to go. One of the twins is crying and I have cookies to make for today's barbeque!

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