Quick Tips 7: Lifted Photo Edge

So there is a tutorial that I found the other day that I find I am using ALL THE TIME. I thought I'd reiterate it here on my blog. If you want the original tutorial, you can find a link to it at the bottom of the page.
Anyway, I wanted to learn how to lift the edge of my photo so it looks like it's coming right towards you. For this you need to use the Warp tool which, I'm ashamed to say, I haven't really played with much. Where has this been all my life?

I have used this illusion on several pages--here are some examples:

So for this tutorial I decided to do a video instead of written directions. Enjoy!


I will show how to create this:

If you want to see the original tutorial I learned this from you can find it here:

Creat4u.blogspot.com - Lifted Edge Illusion Tutorial

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