
A Few Recent Layouts

I'm starting to get the creepy guilty feeling that I haven't updated this blog for a while--just in case there are four people out there that follow it close enough to notice. Well--it's summer. As a school teacher, my whole world completely changes once summer hits. You'd THINK I'd have more time for stuff like scrapbooking, seeing as I don't work for 10 weeks. But--not so. In fact, four weeks into the summer, I have done very little in scrapbook land, though I have been quite productive in other areas. My three children consume every second I'm afraid. It's so fun to be home and spend so much time with them, though, so although I haven't had much time to scrapbook anything, I HAVE had time to take some great photos for the future! I have a couple of ideas for future layouts percolating in my head at the moment, but not a lot of time to implement.

So, to ease my guilt, I thought I'd at least post the few layouts I have done recently.

If you recall, I'm working on three books right now--my 2012 year book, and my one year book for both the twins. I just finished their 10 months--only two more months to go! For the twins books, I do the page for one of them, then change the coloring slightly for the other one. The writing is mostly different, though some paragraphs are the same. And the pictures are usually quite different. So, here are a few pages from my twins' books, using the kit Ma Bebe from Diane Rigdon.

I start each month with a large, full-bleed photo of them. Then a sort of cover page with pictures from that month. Each month is 2-3 layouts. I focus a lot on writing. Each month I sit down and write a few paragraphs about the progress that child made that month. Then when I have time to actually scrap it, it's just cut and paste. This next layout is simple, but I love it because I got so many pictures and so much journaling all in one layout.

Here's another set of layouts I love!

Ok, here are some layouts from my Year Seven book. Don't have a title for it yet. The working title is "Changing All the Time" but I haven't decided for sure yet. Last year's was Room 2 Grow, which was SO cute--thanks to my friend Heather for coming up with it! Anyway, here are some layouts:

Using the kit "Morning Mist" by Lindsay Jane

Using the kit "Trashed, Tattered & Torn" by Connie Prince

Using the kit "Cheeky" by Designs by Krista

No kits used!

Using the kit "Fancy" by Designs by Krista

Well look at that! I guess I have done quite a few layouts! I feel a lot better now!

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