
SO EXCITED! My 2011 Yearbook has arrived!!!!

This is one of the most exciting days of the year for me! It's the day I receive my yearbook in the mail, all printed and bound and beautiful! I prefer to do my books hard-bound in one book. Some people prefer to print them separately and keep them in a more traditional scrapbook. Still others just keep them on the computer. But oh, the bound book is so exciting! The price, of course, is that I have to wait a full year to have the satisfaction of seeing my finished, printed pages. But to me it is SO worth it!

Here is a photo of all my yearbooks. Each of them was printed at Lucky for me, I discovered digi-scrapping at a very convenient time--right before I met my husband. So every year of my marriage is scrapped. I usually come up with some sort of title for the year. I talk all about it here. Anyway, this year's book is "Room 2 Grow" in honor of having twins this year! As you can see, each book is quite different in color scheme, but I love how organized and similar and NEAT they are. That's the kind of person I am, I guess. It gives me satisfaction to see them lined up all nicely on the shelf, so easy to pull out and look through.

I was talking to a neighbor of mine who also does digital--but very different from me. She doesn't know Photoshop and has no desire to. She uses the templates on Shutterfly, which I understand are quite versitle. She doesn't have the full creative control that I have, but she doesn't want it. Her books are simple and straight-forward. And that works for her. And that's what I love about digital scrapbooking--you can do it YOUR way, and there are so many options, you can just do what works for YOU! So, as excited as I am about my book, and as much I want to share how I do it, do it your own way. This is just how it works for me.

So here are some photos of my new book! This book cost about $150 to print. It has 121 pages, full color, hard bound on glossy pages, and it is SO high quality. I have had things printed at Blurb, and though I love their stuff, I reserve my precious yearbooks for Cherishbound only.

And here are some of my favorite layouts (that I haven't already posted)

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