
Twin Scrapbook far...

It's a miracle! I'm finally updating my blog! Things have been REALLY crazy at my house, as I'm sure you can imagine, as we are adjusting to three children under the age of 2 1/2. Plus, I just started working full time again, as school has started a new year. The adjustment has been very difficult, especially since I teach seven periods a day instead of six. The money is good but it really adds to my stress.

So basically, I have pretty darn good reasons for not updating for so long. That doesn't mean I don't feel guilty about it. I'm a MOM. We eat guilt.

Ok, this post isn't going to have anything new and exciting, because having beautiful new twins is about as exciting as it gets. BUT, I thought I'd share a couple of pages I've been able to do. Yes, I still manage to scrapbook a little, but my time is limited.

Right now I am working on THREE books. My 2011 book, which thankfully I was all caught up on before the babies came. And then, of course, my one year book for each baby. For the twins, I am doing each page pretty much the same, but altering a few pictures, a bit of the journaling to personalize it, and then I change the colors of each page.

One other thing before I post the pictures--I am LOVING using clipping masks. I did a tutorial on it a few months ago when it was still new to me. And now I find that I am using them ALL THE TIME. I can't believe I scrapbooked so long without them! They are especially useful in pages like these where I am using A LOT of pictures. Now I just draw the square shape that fits and then choose the picture to go in each shape. So much easier. Ok, here are some pages for Scarlett an Ripley...

Sadly, I haven't done much more than these pages. And I suppose I'm doing ok staying caught up, it's just that I know the longer I wait to do the pages, the more I will forget. I really ought to just start typing stuff up in a Word document and then use it later when I'm ready to scrap it. Yeah, I ought to do that.

Here is the only page I've done for my 2011 book. It turned out pretty cute.


Wow. I need to do some more pages! Looking at these pictures, I realize that the babies are SO much bigger and have changed so much, just in the last month! Grrr...that's the thing with scrapbooking. As long as you are alive, you can never be completely caught up and done!

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