
Adoption Story Book

This week I did a little project for one of my best friends ever. Heather is unable to have children of her own, and has two beautiful adopted children. Years ago, when she adopted her first baby, we made a little story book together for her. Heather, not a digital scrapbooker, did all the writing and gathered all the pictures that she wanted. She wrote it like a storybook--the story of her little girl's adoption--to be read to her as a child and to help her understand the story of her birth. Its only about 20 pages, in a 7x5.5 size, and we printed it hardbound at Cherishbound. Now, years later, it is one of her little girl's favorite books. She has a very good understanding of what adoption means, and no problem with it.

Now Heather has another adopted child. He's two--only a few weeks younger than my little girl. So this week, we got together and created a similar book for him! I thought it would be a really fun thing to share on my scrappy blog--and such a great idea for helping children understand at a young age what adoption means. Heather had to think carefully about what details to include and what to leave out--focusing on what was most important for a little boy to know. There are many details she will tell him when he's older and ready to understand.

Like with Holland's book, we chose a single kit to use throughout the whole book. In this case, it was Boys R Us from Lindsay Jane. The book is to be printed by Cherishbound but we haven't ordered it yet, so I can't show a picture of the finished work. But here's a few pages of it!

This is the cover page and the inside page. I absolutely LOVE that poem. Every time I read it, I get misty-eyed!

My own twin babies are due in less than three weeks! I will have my hands full with them, but hopefully I'll find a little time to scrapbook their lives and put it on this blog! But forgive me if my posts become a bit sporadic for a while--with three kids under the age of 2 1/2, this blog might become a little less of a priority--especially when school starts in the fall and I am working full time again. But don't worry--I won't stop posting altogether, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Once again I am so happy I found your blog! What an amazing project for your friends children brought tears to my eyes! Cannot wait to see some pages of your twins (when u have time of course!) Best wishes to you!
