
Newest Page--Sketches by Suzy!

So I have just recently discovered a new website that I am going to SHAMELESSLY PLUG. Not because I'm asked to or paid to or anything like that--but because I'm so excited about it! I have recently discovered the site Sketches by Suzy. And this site is TOTALLY what I need. You see, I've done so many pages at this point that sometimes I just run out of ideas. And then when I look at the galleries of others, it doesn't help me much because the style in scrapbooking today is so unlike my own--yes, let me beat the dead horse once again--the whole "one tiny picture on a huge page with tons of froo-froo elements" You've heard me harp on this before. So when I look at galleries, although I admire the beauty of the pages and the talent of the creator (because even I don't "get" scrapbooking that way on a practical level, I can certainly acknowledge that it's very beautiful) their layouts just don't inspire me for something I can do. I also usually hate templates. I don't know why. I just don't like them.

And then I found Suzy's site. And I LOVE it. Suzy has all these great "sketches" with ideas for pages. Suzy states, "The end result never looks exactly like what the sketch started as. Often it is just as jumping point for inspiring me in a different direction." And this is exactly what it did for me. I confess I didn't download the template--its made for 12x12 and I do 8 1/2 x 11--but I may try that in the future. I just looked at it and got ideas from it. Here's the template as shown on her website:

And here is the page that I created by looking at it:

(Kit by Connie Prince, Daily Inspiration)

I NEVER would have thought of this on my own! And I love Suzy's stuff because she uses LOTS of pictures on a page, just like me! So, if you are ever stumped for an idea of where to begin, try her site! I have a feeling I'm going to be using it A LOT in my yearbook this year!

*UPDATE* (4/8/11)

I got an email from my friend Lisa--we've known each other even since I can remember! She was so excited about the Sketches by Suzy site, and wanted to share her own page that she created from one of Suzy's sketches. So here it is!

Oh that is so, so cute! Thank you Lisa! And thank you Suzy!


  1. Awww! I'm so glad that you found my sketches, and look forward to seeing what else you do with them. While I, personally, feel too constricted by the 8.5x11 size (just like you feel like 12x12 is too much!), I am majorly impressed with how well you adapted this sketch to it! That you just happened to use a kit from one of my favorite designers is even better. :)

    I'll be watching your blog, because I love it so much, and you keep watching mine, and we'll just have our own mutual admiration society thing going on! :D

  2. I'm really liking your blog. Thanks so much for sharing. I located your blog from a post you made on 2ps.
    I hope to check in from time to time. I'm thinking of totally converting to digital as well. And your blog might be the right place to start :) Thanks, Rori

  3. thank you for the sketch link. love love love it! my brain gets overwhelmed trying to think of layouts, this will be definite inspiration. Love your site!!
