
It's Here! My 2010 Yearbook from Cherishbound!

There is nothing more exciting than getting that package in the mail that is your new scrapbook! I got mine a few days ago, and let me tell you, I was tracking it real closely on Fedex. I couldn't WAIT for it to arrive! Too bad the midwest storms made it two days late! The most exciting part is seeing the cover--seeing what it looks like all bound and glossy. Then I look inside and I think, "Oh yeah. I already have every page totally memorized." But I like to check for margins, making sure nothing was cut off (nothing was) and then I dread the spelling errors I missed--and unforutunately I DID miss some! Darn it!

In this post I talked a bit about how I organize my digital scrapbooks. I do one big yearbook for each year. Now if I were richer I'd get copies for each child and all that, but as each book costs $100+ to print, I don't. Though the nice thing is, I CAN if I ever win the lottery and can afford it! And I just have to say--yes, I suppose $100 or more is a lot to print a book--but not really. It's hard bound, glossy pages, 120 pages long--I'm not complaining. I think it would cost somewhere near that to print it yourself or at Costco, and it wouldn't look near as nice and neat.

My yearbook, like all my others, was printed at Cherishbound. Remember--if you would like to print your own books at Cherishbound, you can got to this post and click on the Cherishbound logo. That will allow you to sign up for their services without a consultant. I love Cherishbound. I find their books to be such high quality. I know that printing is one of the biggest questions people have about Digital Scrapbooking, so I took some more detailed pictures of my book in an attempt to really show you what it looks like and the kind of quality I'm talking about.

So what now? I am already feeling that pressure to start my 2011 book. Last year I don't think I started my 2010 book until about May or June. I get a little burned out I guess. But as I'm one of those lucky scrappers that actually CAUGHT UP I want to keep it that way! And come July, I will have twins and very little time to scrap anything! So, my goal is to have my 2011 book as up to date as possible before the twins get here. Because really, I'm making THREE books now. My 2011 yearbook, and then a baby book for each twin. Those, of course, won't be printed until the babies are a year old, but I try to keep up so that I don't forget everything! Even if I just keep a journal of what's going on and scrap it later. I think with the twins (did I mention I'm having TWO girls???)  they will each get their own book, but many of the pages will be exactly the same, or I'll just change them slightly for the name of each twin or something. And maybe I'll have a different kit for each twin, so that the page is scrapped exactly the same, but in different papers. I don't know! I haven't even officially chosen NAMES for my girls yet, and I'm already planning their scrapbooks? I am a true scrapper at heart, obviously. With Afton's book, I actually made my own kit. Now--I'm NOT a designer, but I knew enough to make a few simple papers and elements. I actually scanned in her baby blankets and stuff and used them as backgrounds. But with three little girls, I won't have time to do that again! Hope I can find really good kits for each twin this time!

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