
Themes and Some New Layouts

I've been busy, busy, busy getting the last of my layouts done so I can get my 2010 yearbook printed. Hooray! I'm so excited to get this book DONE! I have three more pages to do--a double layout of my husband's hunting trip--which, if he doesn't write something for soon will get axed. (I try to get my husband to write at least ONE THING in each book every year.) And then I just have to write my conclusion page. It's just one 8 1/2 x 11 page that is the last page of the book where I revisit my theme of the book and why it applies and how I feel about the year.

Yes, I do themes. Got this idea from my sister Nicki, who started her digi books a year or two before me. Here are the themes I've done so far:

The First Year (this one had no theme.)
Year Two - Getting Better all the Time
Year Three - Expecting Greater Things (the year I was pregnant)
Year Four - And Baby Makes Three
Year Five - Staying Alive in Year Five

I haven't decided on my theme for year six (the year numbers correspond with each year of my marriage. Lucky thing I discovered digital scrapbooking right before i got married!) But I was thinking something like, "Expecting the Unexpected" since we're having twins, but then it's so similar to year three. And in year three, I was pregnant that year but didn't have my baby until year four. I mean, isn't the most exciting event in 2011 the fact that I HAVE twins and not that I'm just pregnant with them? I don't know. Any thoughts on some good themes for next year? I mean, the twin thing has GOT to make this easy but I'm struggling.

So here is my inside cover page. This is the first page when you open the book, NOT the cover.
I always do my first layout as a "year in review" page where I show the highlights of that year. Though it's the first page in my book, it's one of the last I create, obviously. I started doing this in my year three book, and I really like it. I used the kit "La Creme" from 300dpi. I actually have only bought two kits from this site, but I really like them so maybe I should go get more?

And then here are some other pages I've made recently:

Kit called Child's Play from Stuff to Scrap

Kit called Sugar Plums by Designs by Krista
Kit called October Magic by Lindsay Jane

Kit from Scrapmatters, called Black &White & Read All Over by one of my favorites, Connie Prince.

Kit called Hey Santa from ScrapMatters by Connie Prince

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