
RealCrappy - Funky Scissors

For today's RealCrappy post, I want to honor that wonderful versatile tool, responsible for so many obliterations of cherished memories: The Funky Scissors

I was just on a website where someone was showing their recent paper-scrap page, and I saw that they had cut out all their pictures with funky scissors. And I remembered--Oh yeah. Those are horrible. I mean, so expensive, you need to pay tons of money for each one--and for what? Why?

Now, if you like funky scissors, I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend you. But I, for one, don't miss them. Though, I DO have an action from Atomic cupcake that will cut your photos like pinking shears. Only used it once on this page--it's ok, but I still don't love it.

I looked through my old scrapbooks to find a hideous example of my using funky scissors, and was happy to see that they only featured in my beginning pages. Apparently, I figure out after a year or two that they suck. So that's good. Now, I'm sure there are some very talented scrappers out there that use them in really cool ways. But I never could get the hang of it. I mean--look how I ruined this otherwise awesome picture of one of our ballroom teams in high school. First I unforgivingly silhouetted the top of the picture for some mysterious reason--why didn't I just leave it square? And then added those awful yellow and red be-funkified borders. It so happens I needed this picture this very year to go in a remembrance album of my ballroom team. It was very hard to photoshop out the yellow and red crap and make the picture look remotely normal. It's a total waste of an otherwise great and rare picture. Just another of the casualties of ill-fated fads of the 90's. At least I know now that if there's anything really lame I'm doing right now in my scrapbooking and I don't yet realize how lame it is--well, at least it's digital and I haven't ruined my pictures forever.

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